Demo Quiz

This is a demonstration or practise quiz

There are 6 different types of questions.

  1. Multiple choice: You can select one or more answers
  2. Single Choice: You casn only selkect one answer
  3. Text fill: type the missing letters
  4. Sort: Sort the different items in the correct order by dragging and dropping with your mouse / pointer.
  5. Matrix sort: Combine the items left with the answers rigt by dragging them to the correct answer.
  6. Open questions: type the correct answer
  7. Free Choice: You can freely type your answer
  8. Assessment: Your opinion is requested. The is no good or wrong answer
  • Time bar: There could be a time bar on a quiz. Tijdsbalk: Er kan een tijdslimiet ingesteld zijn op de toets. (In this case we made it 10 minutes) You have to finish it before the end time.
  • Repetitions: Some quizes can be done multiple times, but some only once or a limited number of times.
  • Pass rate: per quiz, the pass rate (a percentage correct questions) can be set differently. (It is possible that some questions represent more points, so are more important than others. and it is possible to get random questions so doing a test twice you can pass a test with less correct questions if you have more higher awarded questions.
  • Earn Certificate: It is possible that with some quizes you can earn a certificate, but in most cases ta certifiicate is earned by finishing a complete module. (The certificate could be connected to a higher points than the passing rate.)
  • Prerequisites: It is possible that you have to finish a course, or quiz before you can proceed with another quiz.
  • Hint: With some questions there is a hint available, if you click on it it will hep you to understand what is the question asking for.


Demo Quiz